disorganized thoughts on youtube-dl the riaa's dmca takedown of youtube-dl was farcical but also scary. for me and i would guess other people my age it was this sudden reappearance of a nemesis we had forgotten about - the riaa was a looming spectre for everyone who made use of p2p apps to steal music online, who had been long forgotten after a number of startups came into existence to sate the riaa by stealing from artists in a more comfortable, bureaucratic way that gave the riaa more of the money they wanted the common response to this is that the riaa is a bunch of dullards that don't have a sense of how browsers work, or how digital distribution works, but i think they do. a lot of albums are appearing on youtube with a certain format that suggests that they are supposed to be there, increasingly obscure ones (check out 'the loop ochestra') has always signalled to me that this is out of some deal with the riaa as google has processed the archives it assume that people are more likely to give a shit about first. i haven't bothered to read into this much because i don't really care the nature of it obviously is that these videos are already downloaded by the browser when you watch them. you can imagine a setup where you set up some audio recording device (in a "home taping is killing the record industry" sort of way) but the reality is more farce: your browser is already effectively home-taping this data and then dutifully throwing it out afterwards. it's funny to think that the easiest way of listening to new music on a mobile device for most people is this endless cycle of recording and then dutifully discarding the result. somehow it is more effective to endlessly re-ignite the processes of an unfathomably complicated machine, one that a given individual can only glimpse the larger skeleton of without being able to hold the distinct components comprehensibly in their head, than to have a file stay put on a hard drive if it's not clear, this isn't default behavior. you can write your own youtube-dl pretty trivially with a program that looks through the source data and then saves it to your hard drive in a space that is sensible. this is the guts of a web browser. it takes extra work to make sure that the saved files are in some bureaucratically-acceptable subfolder you can never remember, and then remove the results. this is just one of the administrative duties that a "reasonable" browser will do for us and can thus be assumed as part of the financial mechanism that drives things like youtube, etc. the inanity of considering a web browser that only does "part of the job" as a meanace significant enough to merit bursting through (afaik) new territory in copyright law is pretty interesting. i envision new corporate-mandated law that makes partial implementation of a social contract we never agreed to a cause for inspection by suited men. the sort of blow to archival efforts that the chuck wendigos of the world can only have wet dreams about